Sunday, March 13, 2011

memories gonna miss them )':

13/3/11 the vacom edu fair changes everything in my life.I'm gonna fly overseas this september to Russia,and study in Moscow Medical Academy for 6 years. I'm gonna learn russian language,culture,and taste the four season weather for years.I'm gonna miss my family,my friends,my teachers,my society and more and more! I seriously feel that many things that i haven complete.I maybe regret for incomplete my dreams in form6,my graduation certificate,my role in graduation video,the science camp in june and i can't even more undergo dissection of rabbits,at most of all-cow's eye.I made my dear,cl shed tears,my dear xuandara,almost broke down after noticing this,my dear buddy,yuling in sob moments,my poki friend,miich high dao boom,my sincere friend,huiting feel sorrow and she's one of them im worried.Chikang,go for your future,don't hesitate,there's no gain for hesitation,but loss,ok?And cheepui,i sure will miss you since school open this january'11==

I want the garlic smells good like before :))))

YN2NE1,i will still be there with u all :))))

Miss u all :))))

Miich,u are the only one who is the

Huiting,walk carefully,don't fall easily!!!And be optimistic,ok?!